Version 1

Study Notes Copyright © William Lynch 2007

First Figure - Introduction (Polkas) 72 bars
1 Top couples:
Tip and swing: couples tip in, with waltz hold, towards the centre – tip1, tip2, tip123 and back tip2, tip123 (4 bars) and swing partners at home.
8 bars
Ladies chain R hands in the centre, L hand to turn the opposite gent and back R to R to take waltz hold with their own partners. 8 bars
House around each other. 8 bars
Swing, with waltz hold. 8 bars
2 Side couples now dance 1. 32 bars
Second Figure - Introduction All Round (Polkas) 128 bars
1 Tip and swing. 8 bars
2 Top couples:
Balance and cross: with crossed hand hold in front, couples dance in towards the centre and back (4 bars).  They then drop L hands and the lady turns clockwise 1½ turns under R arm into the opposite place, the gents passing L to L (4 bars).  The whole movement is then repeated back to place.
16 bars
Swing. 8 bars
3 Side couples now dance 2. 24 bars
4 Top couples balance and cross, remaining in the opposite place with R hands held. 8 bars
5 Side couples balance and cross. 8 bars
6 Half chain, ladies clockwise and gents anti-clockwise, back home. 8 bars
Swing. 8 bars
7 Top couples balance and cross. 8 bars
Side couples balance and cross. 8 bars
8 Half chain home. 8 bars
Swing. 8 bars
Third Figure - Swing Opposites (Polkas) 152 bars
1 Circle: all join hands in a circle and advance and retire twice. 8 bars
2 Swing. 8 bars
3 Top couples:
1st gent and 2nd lady dance in and swing. For the first 2 bars, the 2nd gent and 1st lady dance in place, then dance anti-clockwise across to the opposite place and turn to face centre.  Swinging couple end with their backs to their partners.
8 bars
1st gent and 2nd lady dance anti-clockwise around each other twice, bow to each other and dance out into place beside their own partners to take waltz hold. 8 bars
Slide in and back and dance back home. 8 bars
2nd gent and 1st lady dance in and swing, their partners dancing 2 bars in place then dancing across into the opposite place. 8 bars
2nd gent and 1st lady dance around each other twice, bow and dance into place beside their own partners. 8 bars
Slide in and back and dance back home. 8 bars
Swing. 8 bars
4 Side couples now dance 3 (1st side couple L of 1st top couple). 56 bars
5 Circle.
16 bars
Fourth Figure - Bring Up The Figure (Polkas) 248 bars
1 Top couples:
Ladies chain.
8 bars
House around each other. 8 bars
1st couple slide and home: the dancing couple slides towards the centre and back (4 bars) and dances at home, turning once (4 bars).  They then repeat the movement. 16 bars
House around each other 8 bars
Ladies chain. 8 bars
House around each other. 8 bars
2nd couple slide and home. 16 bars
House around each other. 8 bars
Swing. 8 bars
2 Side couples now dance 1. 88 bars
3 Circle.
16 bars
4 Long quarterhouse: couples slide towards the centre and back (4 bars) and house to the next place on the R, turning twice (4 bars).  They repeat this movement into each place and back home. 32 bars
5 Circle.
16 bars
Fifth Figure - Swing all Round (Polkas) 88 bars
1 Circle.
16 bars
2 Circle. 8 bars
Swing the lady on the L: ladies dance across to the gent on their R and into waltz hold and new couples swing in the gent's place. 8 bars
3 Circle.
Swing the lady on the L.
16 bars
4 Circle.
Swing the lady on the L.
16 bars
5 Circle.
Swing partners.
16 bars
The step is a very flat polka step.
Connie Ryan at Cecil Sharp House, London, 1993

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