Study Notes Copyright © William Lynch 2007

First Figure - Reels 120 bars
1 Lead around with crossed hand hold, ladies turning under both raised arms on the last two bars. 8 bars
2 Swing, with ceili hold. 8 bars
3 Top couples:
Advance and retire twice, R hand in R.
8 bars
Changeover: ladies change places, R to R, and half turn inwards (2 bars). Gents change places, L to L, and half turn inwards (2 bars). This 4 bar movement is then repeated back to place. 8 bars
Swing. 8 bars
4 Side couples now dance 3. 24 bars
5 Top couples:
Ladies chain: R hand in the centre, L to turn clockwise under the opposite gent's L arm and round behind him as he dances in place, facing centre, and lowering his arm as she passes behind him; R hand in the centre and L to turn under her partner's arm and around him as he faces centre keeping hands high and finishing in crossed hand hold.
8 bars
House around, the gent's R fist above his L. 8 bars
Swing. 8 bars
6 Side couples now dance 5 and all swing to finish. 24 bars
Second Figure - Look in, Look out (Jigs) 152 bars
1 Lead around.
16 bars
2 Top couples:
Look in, look out: R hand in R, couples advance and, as they retire, turn face to face in place (4 bars). With hands still held, they dance one step to turn facing centre and one step to half turn facing out (2 bars) and repeat (2 bars).
8 bars
Half lead around: lifting R hands over the lady's head to rest on her R shoulder, couples lead around to the opposite place where the ladies turn clockwise to face centre. 4 bars
Look in, look out. 8 bars
Half lead home. 4 bars
Swing. 8 bars
3 Side couples now dance 2. 32 bars
4 Top couples:
Ladies chain.
House around.
32 bars
5 Side couples now dance 4 and all swing to finish. 32 bars
Third Figure - Reels 184 bars
1 Lead around.
16 bars
2 1st top gent and 2nd lady:
Pass by: they dance past each other, R to R, and half turn clockwise in the opposite position (4 bars). They pass back R to R and half turn clockwise to face each other in the centre (4 bars).
8 bars
Swing, to finish facing their own place. 8 bars
Hook and turn: they hook L elbows and dance around (4 bars), hook R elbows and dance back to face partners (4 bars). 8 bars
Swing partners. 8 bars
3 1st side gent (L of 1st tops) and 2nd lady now dance 2. 32 bars
4 2nd top gent and 1st lady now dance 2. 32 bars
5 2nd side gent and 1st lady now dance 2. 32 bars
6 Top couples:
Ladies chain.
16 bars
7 Side ladies chain and all swing to finish 16 bars
Fourth Figure - Jigs 184 bars
1 Lead around.
16 bars
2 Top couples:
Three and one:1st couple swing in place while 2nd couple dance in place, R hand in R with the lady facing out of the set, then dance across the set on the last 2 bars (8 bars). 1st couple drop hands and 1st gent dances in place as the 2nd gent takes the 1st lady's L hand and the trio retires across the set (2 bars). The ladies half turn underarm into shoulder hold (2 bars) and the trio and 1st gent advance to meet (2 bars). 1st gent takes the ladies' inside hands and the ladies turn outwards into a basket, hands resting on the gents' shoulders (2 bars).
16 bars
Swing four. 8 bars
Ladies chain. 8 bars
Swing. 8 bars
3 Side couples now dance 2, with the 1st couple swinging in place. 40 bars
4 Top couples now repeat 2, with the 2nd couple swinging in place. 40 bars
5 Side couples now repeat 2, with the 2nd couple swinging in place and all swing to finish. 40 bars
Fifth Figure - The Gathering Up (Jigs) 104 bars
1 Circle: all take hands in a circle and advance and retire twice. 8 bars
2 House around with waltz hold. 8 bars
3 Circle and ladies move on to the next gent on the R on the last 2 bars. 8 bars
4 House around, new couples. 8 bars
5 Circle and ladies move on.
House around, new couples.
Circle and ladies move on.
House around, new couples.
Circle and ladies move on to their own partners.
House around.
48 bars
6 Lock on: while the ladies dance in place, the gents dance into the centre and take crossed hand hold, 1st tops and sides with palms upwards, R over L, and 2nd tops and sides with palms down (4 bars). While gents dance in place, the ladies dance in and link elbows, L with their partner and R with the gent on the R (4 bars). 8 bars
7 Swing eight, making two full turns around the set. 8 bars
The reels are danced to a light reel step with no battering and the jigs to the 'down' jig step.
Connie Ryan at his Galway International weekend workshop, March 1995. The set, which may also be danced as a half-set, is from west Fermanagh and is danced in the area from Beleek down to Belcoo. Connie got the set on the 16th April,1994 from Pakie Treacy, James McCaffery, Pakie McKearney, Rosemary Maguire, Margaret McManus, Eamonn and Teresa McKearney and Andy Keown (musician).

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