Study Notes Copyright © William Lynch 2007

First Figure - Pass Through(Reels) 112 bars
1 Lead around, anti-clockwise, with crossed hand hold, gents turning the ladies clockwise under both arms and into waltz hold on the last 2 bars. 8 bars
2 Dance at home, turning twice. 8 bars
3 Top couples:
Pass through: partners drop hands and couples dance through each other, R to R, ladies in the centre (2 bars).  On reaching the opposite place, partners take R hands and the lady turns under the gent's arm while they change places (2 bars).  They then repeat this movement back to place (4bars).
8 bars
Dance at home. 8 bars
Ladies chain R hands in the centre and L to opposite gent who turns her clockwise underarm and dances round her.  Ladies pass back R to R, give R hands to partners, and turn underarm to face centre with crossed hand hold in front. 8 bars
Half lead around and pass back: couples lead round anticlockwise (2 bars) and partners change places, the ladies turning clockwise under both arms, to face centre (2 bars).  Partners drop hands and couples pass through each other (2 bars).  Partners again exchange places, the lady turning under the gent's R arm, and take waltz hold (2 bars). 8 bars
4 Dance at home. 8 bars
5 Side couples now dance 3. 32 bars
6 Dance at home.
House around.
16 bars
Second Figure - Turn the Ladies (Reels) 128 bars
1 Lead around.
Dance at home.
16 bars
2 Top couples:
Advance, retire (4 bars), R hand in R, and turn across to the opposite place, gents passing each other L to L behind their partners while the ladies turn 1˝ turns clockwise under R arm to face centre (4 bars). The movement is then repeated back to place.
16 bars
Dance at home. 8 bars
Advance, retire and turn across. 16 bars
3 Dance at home. 8 bars
4 Side couples now dance 2. 40 bars
5 Dance at home.
House around
16 bars
Third Figure - Chase the Ladies (Reels) 176 bars
1 Lead around.
Dance at home.
16 bars
2 Top couples:
Ladies cross over to opposite gents (2 bars) and new couples dance in place, turning once.
8 bars
Gents chase the ladies: they cross to their partners' R side (2 bars), take R hands and turn them 1 turn anti-clockwise underarm (2 bars).  Partners take L hands and gents dance anti-clockwise round to the correct side of the ladies while ladies dance 2 turns clockwise under arm in place.  They finish facing centre with crossed hand hold in front (4 bars). 8 bars
Advance and retire twice. 8 bars
Slide and house home: partners take waltz hold and slide towards the couple on their R and back (4 bars) and house back home. 8 bars
Ladies cross and dance in place.
Gents cross and turn the ladies.
Advance and retire twice.
Slide and house home.
32 bars
3 Dance at home. 8 bars
4 Side couples now dance 2. 64 bars
5 Dance at home.
House around.
16 bars
Fourth Figure - Three and One (Reels) 256 bars
1 Lead around.
Dance at home.
16 bars
2 Top couples:
Ladies chain, back into waltz hold.
8 bars
Dance at home. 8 bars
1st couple house within the set, the gent placing his partner alongside the 2nd gent on the 7th bar.  On the 8th bar, 1st gent takes inside hands of both ladies while 2nd gent takes outside hands i.e. his partner's R in his R and 1st lady’s L in his L. 8 bars
NOTE: The inside hands MUST BE UNDERNEATH the outside handhold.
Advance, retire and ladies turn under: The formation advances across the centre of the set, retires, and advances to the centre (6 bars).  Both ladies ˝ turn outwards under the gents' raised arms and into line with 1st gent (2 bars). 8 bars
Advance, retire and christmas, the ladies again turning outwards under both gents' raised arms on the last 2 bars to form a little christmas in the centre of the set. 8 bars
Swing four, couples falling back to place on the last 2 bars. 8 bars
Ladies chain.
Dance at home.
16 bars
2nd couple house within the set to form the three-and-one formation. 8 bars
Advance, retire and ladies turn under.
Advance, retire and christmas.
Swing four.
Ladies chain.
32 bars
3 Dance at home. 8 bars
4 Side couples now dance 2. led by 1st couple. 104 bars
5 Dance at home.
House around.
16 bars
Fifth Figure - The Gallop (Jigs) 160 bars
NOTE - for the purpose of description, I have used the convention that the top ladies remain tops no matter what position they are dancing in, and always lead the Gallop and the Chain.
1 Lead around.
House around.
24 bars
2 The Gallop:
Top couples, keeping waltz hold, gallop.  They sidestep across the set, gents passing back to back - hop 1234567 .
(2 bars)
Side couples gallop. They sidestep across, gents back to back. (2 bars)
Top couples gallop back to place, this time ladies passing back to back. (2 bars)
Side couples gallop back to place, ladies back to back. (2 bars)
8 bars
3 Ladies chain: top ladies take R hands in the centre and chain to the opposite gent.  As they reach the centre, side ladies begin the same movement.  All ladies give L hand to the opposite gent and turn clockwise under his arm as he dances anti-clockwise around them, all turning at the same time.  Ladies dance on to the gent R of the place they chained from, giving R hand and turning once anti-clockwise under his arm and into waltz hold. 8 bars
4 Swing.
House around.
16 bars
5 Gallop, this time top ladies leading with their new partners, followed by side ladies with their new partners.
Ladies chain on to the gent R of the place they chained from.
House around.
32 bars
6 Gallop, top ladies again leading.
Ladies chain to the gent R of the place they chained from.
House around.
32 bars
7 Gallop, top ladies leading. 
Ladies chain, back to their own partners.
House around.
32 bars
Sixth Figure - Ladies In (Reels) 192 bars
1 Lead around.
Dance at home.
House around.
Dance at home.
32 bars
2 Ladies in: all the ladies advance and retire twice. 8 bars
3 Gents R and L star: gents take R hands in the centre and wheel half way around the set, turning inwards on the 4th step and taking L hands to wheel back to place.  On the last 4 bars, the ladies dance around the set to the next place on their R and turn in to face the new gent and take waltz hold. 8 bars
4 Dance in place.
House around.
Dance in place.
24 bars
5 Ladies in. 8 bars
6 Gents L and R star (NOTE the change of direction) and ladies move on. 8 bars
7 Dance in place.
House around.
Dance in place.
24 bars
8 Ladies in. 8 bars
9 Gents R and L star and ladies move on. 8 bars
10 Dance in place.
House around.
Dance in place.
24 bars
11 Ladies in. 8 bars
12 Gents L and R star and ladies move on. 8 bars
13 Dance at home.
House around.
16 bars
The Clare-style reel step is used for all reel figures and the ‘rising’ jig step for the jig.
Pat Moroney at Priddy, Somerset, (1992?)

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