Study Notes Copyright © William Lynch 2007

First Figure -The Crossover (Jigs) 200 bars
1 Lead around: taking waist hold, couples face anticlockwise around the set and dance around to place. 8 bars
2 Slow square: changing to waltz hold, couples slide 1, 2, 123 into the place on their R and dance 2 steps in place while turning ¼ turn towards the next place (4 bars).  They slide into that place, dance 2 steps while turning towards the next place and so on back to their own place (12 bars). 16 bars
3 House around. 8 bars
4 Crossover: top couples face the couples on their left. Ladies change places, R to R (2 bars) and gents change places, L to L (2 bars) and all turn inwards to repeat the movement back to place (4 bars). 8 bars
5 Lead around.
Slow square.
32 bars
6 Crossover: top couples again facing L. 8 bars
7 Lead around .
Slow square.
32 bars
8 Crossover, top couples facing the couples on their right. 8 bars
9 Lead around.
Slow square.
32 bars
10 Crossover, top couples again facing R. 8 bars
11 Lead around.
Slow square.
32 bars
Second Figure - The Balance (Jigs) 264 bars
1 Lead around.
Slow square. 
32 bars
2 Top couples:
House around each other.
8 bars
Balance: keeping waltz hold, but facing into the set, couples dance towards each other (2 bars) and back (2 bars) and house across to the opposite place (4 bars).  They then repeat the whole 8 bar movement back to place. 16 bars
3 Lead around.
Slow square. 
32 bars
4 Side couples now house around and balance. 24 bars
5 Lead around.
Slow square. 
32 bars
6 Top couples now house around and balance. 24 bars
7 Side couples now house around and balance. 24 bars
8 Lead around.
Slow square. 
32 bars
Third Figure -Swing All Round (Jigs) 296 bars
1 Lead around.
Slow square.
32 bars
2 Top gents swing the ladies: top couples dance 2 steps in place and gents swing the lady on the L for 6 bars.  Gents dance 2 steps on to the next lady on the L and swing her for 6 bars, repeat the movement with the next lady and finish by swinging their own partners. 32 bars
3 Lead around.
Slow square.
32 bars
4 Side gents swing the ladies. 32 bars
5 Lead around.
Slow square.
32 bars
6 Top gents swing the ladies. 32 bars
7 Lead around.
Slow square.
32 bars
8 Side gents swing the ladies. 32 bars
9 Lead around.
Slow square.
32 bars
Fourth Figure -The Slide (Slides) 200 bars
1 Top couples:
House around each other, with waltz hold.
8 bars
Slide and change:  they slide towards the centre and back and house across to the opposite place (8 bars).  The whole movement is then repeated back home. 16 bars
House around each other. 8 bars
Slide and change. 16 bars
2 Side couples now dance 1. 48 bars
3 Top couples now repeat 1. 48 bars
4 Side couples now repeat 1. 48 bars
Fifth Figure -The Floating Reel (Reels) 256 bars
1 Lead around with crossed hand hold in front, the gents turning the ladies under both raised arms on the last 2 bars. 8 bars
2 Turn the ladies: partners link L arms and dance anticlockwise around each other 2 full turns. 8 bars
3 Swing partners, with waltz hold. 8 bars
4 Top couples:
Four sevens: couples dance hop 1234567 across the set, gents back to back.  They make ¼ turn clockwise and dance sevens along that side of the set, make ¼ turn and dance back across the set, gents back to back, ¼ turn and dance into place.
8 bars
House around each other. 8 bars
Gents cross over to the opposite lady, R to R, and swing. 8 bars
Gents dance in and link L elbows in the centre (2 steps), dance 4x3s anti-clockwise and 2 doubled steps out to finish beside their own partners. 8 bars
5 Lead around.
Turn the ladies.
24 bars
6 Side couples now dance 4. 32 bars
7 Lead around.
Turn the ladies.
24 bars
8 Top couples now repeat 4. 32 bars
9 Lead around.
Turn the ladies.
24 bars
10 Side couples now repeat 4. 32 bars
11 Lead around.
Turn the ladies.
24 bars
The jigs and slide are danced with the ‘down’ jig step and the reel is danced very flat.
Donncha O Muineachain at his Birmingham workshop, September 1992.

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